Faculty and Advisor Resources

This page is designed to provide information, resources, and examples of ways that faculty and staff have infused principles of career readiness into their teaching, advising, and engagement with students. According to the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE), career readiness serves as a foundation from which to demonstrate core competencies that prepare college graduates for success in the workplace and beyond. Faculty members and advisors are critical partners in sharing the myriad ways skills like effective communication, critical thinking, equity and inclusion, among others, connect from the classroom to life after college.

What skills do employers expect from new college graduates? The Core Competencies, compiled by the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE), are listed in 1-page and expanded-list versions. Identify the competencies that are most relevant to your course and consider listing them on your syllabus to give students an overt real-world connection. Hopefully, the following content will help enhance your work. Note: While you are welcome to use this content and adapt it to your needs, this page intended for a faculty/staff audience, not directly for students.

CCPD & Your Classroom

In addition to the resources and platforms that we offer students, here are helpful resources for your classroom:

  • Senior Seminar Resources
  • Request a Presentation
  • Promote CCPD Events/Programming – all events are co-listed on the Hornet Hive calendar. Stay tuned to our blog for updates on program deadlines, etc.
  • Course Assignments:
  • Handshake Assignment – Activate Handshake account using KNET ID and password. Select interests (job types, cities, job roles). Complete profile (with at least one work experience, organization and skill). CCPD staff can verify that a student has activated and completed their profile in Handshake.
  • Resume Assignments – Create a basic resume using our General Resume Template (Google Doc, Word Doc). Upload resume to Big Interview for feedback. Visit the Career Studio for a resume review. Upload edited resume to Handshake. CCPD staff can verify that a student has uploaded a resume to Big Interview, visited the Career Studio, and/or has uploaded a resume to Handshake. 
  • Career Discernment Assignments – Focus 2 Assignment featuring a set of career assessments and a Career Conversation Assignment helping students make connections with alumni in their field(s) of interest.
Partnership Opportunities

The following joint partnerships between academic departments/individual courses and the CCPD are examples of meaningful connections from classroom to career. We hope they peak your interest, and are of course open to other creative possibilities.

  • Hornet Huddles are a great opportunity for students to engage with alumni as a class project. The Center for International Programs partnered for a Huddle for international students/alumni, Careers in Health and Medicine partnered for a Healthcare Hornet Huddles, and several classes have coordinated them as part of course assignments. If you are interested in a Huddles event for your major/department, please reach out.
  • The Spanish Department recently partnered with the CCPD to offer Mock Interview appointments in Spanish (conducted by our fluent staff member, Alejandro Alaniz ’18).
  • Associate Professor of English, Dr. Ryan Fong’s “Educational Design” assignment
  • Multiple departments are in regular contact with the CCPD for information on the whereabouts of their recent graduates (i.e. First Destination Survey data) for projects such as internal reviews, Declaration of Major Day preparation, or guest speakers.
  • The Chemistry Department partners on an annual networking event KACS.
  • Many departments also invite employers to their classrooms in partnership with the CCPD, who can help handle logistics/communication.
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