Linguistic Skills in Professional Communications

In a remarkable collaboration this fall, K’s Spanish Department partnered with the CCPD on a specialized assignment for Senior Seminar Students. Career Coach Alejandro Alaniz ’18 hosted students for one-on-one mock interview sessions conducted exclusively in Spanish. Engaging in professional conversations and interviews in Spanish not only bolstered their language skills but also instilled confidence in their ability to navigate real-world scenarios; a valuable skill in today’s interconnected global landscape. Students received personalized feedback and guidance on their performance, contributing to their overall career readiness. We thank the Spanish Department, especially Dr. Ivett Lopez-Malagamba, for their partnership.

Bridging Academia and Career: CCPD and English Department Collaboration

This winter, Ryan Fong, Associate Professor of English contacted the CCPD to collaborate with him for the English Department’s “Introduction to Literary Theory and Research Methods” class.  The partnership aimed to harmonize academic exploration with career readiness, empowering students to seamlessly connect their intellectual pursuits with their professional aspirations.

An assignment, titled “Educational Design,” guided students through five prompts, fostering self-reflection, academic exploration, and future career planning. From pondering big questions to mapping out a comprehensive academic and professional plan, students navigated the intersection of knowledge and career preparedness.

Students explored their major, minor, or concentration in response to prompt three, linking academic pursuits to overarching questions and dreams. By delving into the Kalamazoo College catalog, they identified relevant courses and articulated the cohesive nature of their chosen academic path.

Prompt four challenged students to create a tentative plan encompassing their major, minor, language classes, Shared Passages seminars, and courses from various academic divisions. This plan aimed to provide a well-rounded liberal arts education, aligning with the college’s commitment to versatile thinking.

The final prompt involved a crucial meeting with CCPD Career Coaches, propelling students from academia to the professional realm. Post-meeting, students reflected on the plans to develop professional skills and gain valuable work experience during their time at Kalamazoo College.

“These assignments are really trying to help our students feel empowered to craft their education in meaningful ways and to show them the value of gaining the broad perspectives and knowledges that are the hallmark of the liberal arts,” said Fong. His course development and partnership with the CCPD exemplifies Kalamazoo College’s commitment to career readiness. By integrating academic exploration with career preparation, students embark on a journey of self-discovery, equipped with the tools for a seamless transition into their professional lives after graduation.

Earn Credit for Summer Internship 

The CCPD is collaborating with faculty to pilot a course series for students to earn credit for their summer internship. Marin Heinritz, Associate Professor of English, and Valerie Miller, Director for the Center for Career and Professional Development, are developing a two-course sequence and an asynchronous summer module that provides students with tools and activities to prepare for, take advantage of, and reflect on their summer internship experience.  

To earn 1 unit of credit for their internship, students need to: 

  • Complete the Pre-Internship Course (IDSY 295) in Spring 2024 
  • Complete a 240-hour Summer Internship and Summer Course Module  
  • Complete the Post-Internship Course in Spring 2025 

The Pre-Internship Course (IDSY 295) will be taught Tuesdays from 12-1pm during Spring 2024 and will include reading assignments, discussions, and a series of exercises and reflections to prepare students for their summer internship. Students earn .2 units for this course. 

Students in the Pre-Internship Course will be automatically enrolled in the Summer Module. In addition to working a minimum of 240 hours in their approved internship, students will complete regular structured reflection writing assignments about their internship experience. Students do not pay tuition or earn credit for the Summer Module on its own. 

Students who have completed the Pre-Internship Course and the Summer Module may then enroll in the Post-Internship Course to earn credit for their summer internship. This course will provide an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the connection between their academic coursework and their internship experience and make plans for their next steps in their work and academic life. Students earn .8 units for this course (.6 units for the internship and summer module, and .2 units for the post-internship coursework) for a total of 1 unit of credit in conjunction with completion of the pre-internship course 

If you are interested in earning credit for your 2024 Summer Internship, register for IDSY 295 (Pre-Internship Course) today!   

If you have questions, please contact Valerie Miller at

Pawsitively Adorable

Sure, we’re here to help you figure out life after K (we are “the career center” afterall), but that doesn’t mean we only talk about work! Our lives outside of work are full…. including furry friends that make every day brighter. Check our our new Meet the CCPD Pets page to visit Milo, Bella, and the rest of our cozy gang. These adorable creatures bring warmth and joy to our lives, and we couldn’t resist sharing their cuteness with you. Consider it a little escape from the chaos of the end of the term!

Unlocking Career Opportunities: K College’s Exclusive Chicago Externship Program June 12-14, 2024

Are you a first-year or sophomore student at K, eagerly exploring potential career paths? Look no further! K College is thrilled to introduce an exclusive opportunity for students of any major or intended major to dive into the professional world through the Chicago Externship Program. This program not only offers a unique chance to shadow professionals but also provides an immersive experience in the vibrant Windy City.

Who Should Apply: If you’re a first-year or sophomore student at K College, regardless of your major or intended major, this program is tailor-made for you. Whether you have a clear career goal or are still exploring your options, the Chicago Externship Program welcomes all enthusiastic students ready to embark on a transformative journey.

What’s In Store for Selected Student Externs: Those selected for the program will enjoy a host of benefits, including transportation, lodging, and meals throughout the duration of the externship. This is not just an opportunity to observe professionals in action; it’s a chance to gain firsthand experience of daily work life and industry challenges in a field of interest.

Networking Opportunities: One of the highlights of the Chicago Externship Program is the chance to connect with accomplished K alumni during an exclusive networking reception. Imagine the valuable insights and advice you could gain from those who have walked the same halls and faced similar career choices. This is more than just an externship; it’s a gateway to expanding your professional network and building lasting connections.

Beyond “Career”: Aside from the career exploration aspects of this trip, participants will also get a taste of Chicago. From its iconic architecture to its rich culinary scene, the Windy City has something for everyone. This externship isn’t just about your career; it’s about broadening your horizons and gaining a taste of the variety beyond the classroom.

How to Apply: The application process is simple and straightforward. No prior experience is necessary, and there are no essays to stress over. Just complete the online application before the midnight deadline on Tuesday, March 12. Take the first step toward unlocking exciting career possibilities and apply now!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the schedule? June 12-14, 8AM-8PM. The tentative schedule will involve two half-day and one full-day job shadows, along with a student/alumni networking reception and evening activities.
  • When will we find out if we are selected? Applications are due by Tuesday, March 12. At that time, we will review applicants for selection, which is mainly about making sure there is an alum that is a good match for the job shadow. We are continuing to recruit alumni now based on applicants’ interests. You should know if you were selected by the end of March at the latest.
  • What all is covered? We’re riding a bus to Chicago and back, and all of the transportation costs to and from the job shadow site will also be covered by the program. Students should not have to pay for anything unless they want to do something on their free time (there isn’t a ton of free time, but some may choose to explore after dinners).

Navigating the Spring 2024 GLCA Virtual Career Fair 

Our students aren’t just attendees at virtual career fairs; they’re success stories in the making. Over the past years, students like you have seized incredible opportunities via the GLCA Virtual Career Fair! Check in to the myriad of career opportunities with renowned organizations across various industries. 

Event Details: 

What to Expect: 

Engage with Diverse Employers: 

Connect with 39 employers representing a spectrum of industries. From technology and finance to healthcare and non-profit, this virtual career fair offers a diverse range of opportunities to suit your interests and aspirations. 

Tailored Group and 1:1 Sessions: 

Customize your experience by signing up for either 30-minute group sessions or 10-minute one-on-one sessions with participating organizations. This personalized approach allows you to interact directly with recruiters, ask questions, and gain insights into potential career paths. 

Explore Entry-Level Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunities: 

Whether you’re seeking your first job or an internship to gain valuable experience the GLCA Virtual Career Fair is the platform to discover and explore diverse opportunities. 

Seamless Virtual Experience: 

Attend the fair from the comfort of your own space. The virtual format ensures a user-friendly and accessible platform for students from all GLCA member colleges. 

How to Participate: 

  • Register Today: Head to the event website to register for the virtual career fair. By registering, you commit to attending employer sessions and making the most out of this valuable opportunity. 
  • Prepare and Research: Before the fair, research the participating organizations to make informed decisions about which sessions to attend. Prepare thoughtful questions to engage with recruiters and showcase your interest. 
  • Connect with us at the CCPD: For any questions regarding registration or attending virtual sessions, reach out to us here at the CCPD. The Career Studio is open M-F from 10AM-2PM and we’re available outside of that via appointment/email! We are here to support you in making the most of this event. 

We Can’t Wait to See You There! 

Join us on February 29th, explore the possibilities, and pave the way for your professional success. See you at the Spring 2024 GLCA Virtual Career Fair

Did you know you can receive up to $6,000 to pursue an internship?

The Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) is committed to helping all K students participate in internships so they can gain experience and successfully transition into careers post-graduation. To alleviate the financial burden on students participating in unpaid internships, the CCPD provides a limited number of internship stipends to students pursuing an unpaid internship. The amount a student receives is based on their financial need level but they can apply to receive an internship stipend of up to $6,000.

Stipend applications open in early winter term however a requirement of the application is the student must first secure an unpaid internship. One benefit of a longer winter break is it is a great time for students to find and secure an internship opportunity so they are ready to apply once the stipend application opens. The CCPD is open during winter break and students can meet with career coaches both in person or virtually to get assistance with finding internship opportunities, updating their resumes, or preparing for an interview.

For additional information or to ask questions about the process you can contact Richard Sylvester directly at

Meet a K grad in your field at a Hornet Huddle!

K students,

60+ alumni have signed up to meet with you 1:1 via Zoom during Winter Break. Read on…

A 20-minute meeting with a K alum in your field of interest could change your life. Or… if it doesn’t “change your life”, it can at least give you some solid direction/advice!

Hornet Huddles are now open in Handshake. You can sign up for as many as you’d like. Each of these alumni have multiple appointments available, and students may sign up for as many as they wish. All students can sign up, regardless of major or class year. 

To sign up, students should log in to Handshake, click on Career Center, Schedule an Appointment, and then find the alum they are looking for. Availability will range from Monday December 6 through Wednesday December 8, and all meetings will occur on EST, via Zoom. 



Career Studio Now Open!

The Career Studio, located in Dewing Basement, is a dynamic drop-in space where all K students can stop by without an appointment with “Life After K” questions. Student Career Ambassador staff can answer questions about resumes, cover letters, job and internship searches, and more!

The Studio is open Monday through Friday from 10 am – 2 pm for unlimited visits during Fall Weeks 2-10. It is closed on College holidays.Center for Career and Professional Development