New PE/Wellness Class Utilizes Design-Thinking for Career Development  

stock photo of person writing on post-it notes on a wall

During the winter and spring terms, the CCPD introduced “Design Your Path,” a course that allows students to earn 0.2 units of PE credit. Guided by the Wellness Wheel, which includes eight dimensions of wellness, Kalamazoo College’s Physical Education program emphasizes Occupational Wellness—finding satisfaction, enrichment, and meaning through work. 

Recognizing that people spend a third of their lives at work, the course helps students develop skills to identify and cultivate fulfilling careers. By incorporating life design principles, “Design Your Path” encourages students to think holistically about their personal and professional development.

The course integrates design thinking, career planning, and personal growth, offering a structured approach to connect college experiences with future career aspirations. It guides students in reflecting on their K-Plan progress, exploring potential pathways, and identifying their interests, values, and strengths.

Tailored for all students, from first-years to seniors, “Design Your Path” equips them to make informed decisions about their next steps at Kalamazoo College and beyond. The CCPD hopes to offer this course again in the future. 

Impact of course on student participants 

Students completed pre- and post-course assessments for this course and reported a 36% increase in confidence across several career readiness skills, including envisioning and discerning life paths, conducting a job search, and reaching out alumni professionals and conducting career conversations. Here are comments from students who have completed the course: 

“One of the things I love about K is that it provides diverse ways to achieve success, and I think this course ensures that success continues once we graduate. My four years at K have been wonderful, but I felt quite alone in planning my next steps. This PE course gave me tools I actively use and will continue to use, which I believe is incredibly valuable.” – Senior English Major 

“Despite entering the class with a well-defined (and somewhat rigid) plan for my future, this course has significantly broadened my thinking and equipped me with new decision-making tools. For instance, the discussions on work view vs life view prompted me to reflect on aligning these perspectives, thereby enhancing my quality of life. The assignments, particularly those focusing on time management, compelled me to consider making changes. Moreover, the guidance and resources provided for graduate school preparation were invaluable. The work we undertook in this class has paved a clear path for me to better achieve my goals. Though not the sole focus, the emphasis on life balance has synergized with other physical education classes, encouraging a healthier lifestyle. This course has helped me plan for a healthier life and improved my mindset towards the future.”– Senior Physics & Mathematics Major 

“This class has allowed me the time to make a productive plan to explore career options. I liked that it broke down the steps to make a plan more reasonable rather than me trying to do it alone. I think it is great for any year as some of the information I learned not only helped me, but I shared it with my roommates, and it helped them as well.” – Senior Psychology & Chemistry Major 

“I like that this program is focused on your personal path and goals for the future. While difficult, it provides an opportunity to critically think back on your choices. Additionally, interacting with other students facilitates insightful conversations that can extend your viewpoint and improve your ability to make decisions.” – Junior French & Psychology Major 

“I think it would be nice if this course was required to be taken at some point for every student at K. Students could choose what year, but I think it is super useful for everyone, and can definitely help a lot with preparing students for life after college.” – Sophomore Biology Major 

Chicago Externship Trek: Connecting Students with Alumni and Career Opportunities

Students sitting at a table in Chicago, IL as part of the Chicago Externship Trek

In June, the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) piloted the Chicago Externship Trek, offering first-year and sophomore students a unique chance to explore career paths through job shadows in Chicago. Running from June 12 to June 14, 2024, this initiative provided 20 students with hands-on experience and valuable networking opportunities with alumni. 

Innovative Career Exploration 

Unlike traditional job shadows, the Trek gathered a cohort of students for a concentrated city-based experience. Students participated in half-day and full-day job shadows hosted by 12 alumni across diverse industries, gaining insight into professional environments and the daily operations within their fields of interest. 

Networking and Development 

Another feature of the Trek was a student/alumni networking reception, where students practiced their networking skills and gained career advice from alumni. # alumni living in the Chicago area attended, providing initial exposure for students. Preparation for the Trek included researching alumni matches and honing networking techniques, enhancing the effectiveness of their interactions. 

The program also included a work-from-home panel featuring alumni who adapted to remote work, providing students with strategies for success in evolving work environments. 

Exploring Chicago 

For many participants, the Trek offered their first experience of a major city like Chicago. Beyond job shadows, students explored the city’s iconic architecture and diverse culture, enriching their overall experience. 

Positive Feedback 

Both students and alumni praised the program. “The Trek gave me a clearer career direction,” said one student. Another said, “It was life changing and let me explore the different areas of what I want to do. The most important thing that I learned is the ability to talk to people and the importance of networking and finding people’s different perspectives. It’s so helpful to be able to hear everyone’s professional story and to connect with them.” Alumni enjoyed reconnecting with the college and guiding current students. “Sharing my career journey with students was rewarding,” noted one alum. Career Coach, Alejandro Alaniz, said, “[the externship trek] was a great experience for students to glimpse into their career interests and have real-world conversations on how to get there. I am excited to continue to offer these to our students!” 

Future Plans 

The success of the Chicago Externship Trek highlights the potential for city-based externships. Valerie Miller, CCPD Director, expressed excitement about repeating the program, potentially in other cities with large alumni hubs. “Combining job shadowing, networking, and urban exploration, the Trek offers a comprehensive introduction to the professional world,” she said. 

The CCPD aims to grow this initiative, reflecting Kalamazoo College’s commitment to integrating academic exploration with career readiness, preparing students for their professional journeys.