Winter Term Letter from the Director

Happy New Year, everyone!

Typically, the start of a new year brings with it the excitement of renewal, recalibration, and resolution. Unfortunately, January 1st, 2021 came in with that hope and then, just a few days later, our country saw a violent uprising at our nation’s Capitol. Some were shocked by the events that unfolded, while others saw it as an outcome of years of racial inequity and mounting civil unrest. Now, more than ever, we as a populace, find ourselves uncertain, anxious, and exhausted.

Here at the CCPD, we continue to be here to support you in your pursuits, both personal and professional. If you are like so many college students, you are feeling overwhelmed with academic work, trying to maintain a social life, and feeling the tension between seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and still not knowing when life might return to some semblance of normal. Oh, and add to that the ongoing search for internships and jobs, preparation for graduate school, all in the midst of an ever-evolving and chaotic job market.

I know it’s a lot. But my biggest piece of advice to you is to PERSEVERE. When we find ourselves in a crisis, it is easy to disengage, to give up, and to do nothing. I implore you to fight that urge. My team and I stand at the ready to meet with you, to listen to you, and to help you create a manageable professional development plan, one that starts small and can be customized to your goals over time. Simply setting up an appointment with us (via Handshake) or popping into our drop-in hours (via Microsoft Teams) can help you feel like you’re making some progress toward your goals.

The CCPD’s mission is “to educate and empower Kalamazoo College students and alumni to discover their talents, build their professional networks, and apply their learning to meaningful lives after K.” This process of discovery, building, and application is just that: a process. It takes time and it takes work. But, with one-on-one, personalized support from the CCPD team, know that we care about you and your goals. We exist to guide you along this journey!

This Winter Term, renew your excitement for being a student at K. Recalibrate your goals. And resolve to not give up, no matter how overwhelming things get. The Center for Career & Professional Development is your destination for career resources, supportive Career Coaches, and most importantly, hope. Let us move forward with you.

In solidarity,

Dr. Z

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