
Career Immersion Experiences at K

What is a K-Trek?

K-Treks are career immersion experiences in which students travel to explore careers of interest by meeting with and learning from professionals in the field, often Kalamazoo College alumni and friends.  K-Treks offer rich opportunities to understand industries from the inside, to make meaningful professional connections, and to get a feel for career life in a particular organization or city.

Multi-day treks to cities outside of Kalamazoo require students to participate in a competitive application process.

One day treks to visit organizations typically are offered on a first come, first served basis. Students can register for these opportunities in Handshake.

Learn more about the history of and future aspirations for K-Treks.


K to the Pacific Northwest – Winter 2021

  • K to Nike – 2/4/21
  • K to Amazon – 2/11/21
  • K to Starbucks – 3/4/21