
Kalamazoo College is utilizing an online evaluation process this semester in an ongoing  effort to produce more “career ready” graduates.

Part of our job as the CCPD is to prepare students for Life after K, and SkillSurvey is going to help. It is a performance review platform which will identify strengths and improvement opportunities through evaluator comments and individual behavioral ratings tied to the 8 career competencies, allowing students to see how their own self-perception compares in each competency area.

SkillSurvey Career Readiness™ leverages SkillSurvey’s proven HR technology to deliver valuable insights into student competencies in a streamlined evaluation process that takes 10 minutes to complete.

Students gain personalized insight into their work-related competencies and how their skills compare to other students nationally. Students achieve a better understanding of how they are progressing in the areas most sought after by employers and their level of self-awareness.​

Students will complete self-evaluations in Fall Term and supervisors will complete evaluations of each of their student employees in Spring Term, closing the loop on an intentional evaluative process.

If you have any questions about this platform or initiative, please contact