About Handshake

Use Handshake to search for internships, full-time, and part-time jobs on and off campus.


Handshake accounts are created automatically for students. To activate and update your profile follow these easy steps:

  1. Visit Join Handshake and click on the blue button that says “Click to enter KNET ID and password.”
  2. Use your KNET ID and current password to sign in. Follow the prompts to activate your profile. Once your account has been set up, you can:
    • Use the “Jobs” tab to search for on- and off-campus employment.
    • Use the “Internships” tab to filter your search for an internship by location, employer, major, and other fields.
    • Click on the “Events” tab to view career-related events such as workshops or employer visits.
  3. Important Note: If you are looking for an internship or professional position and your current term GPA is above 3.0, it is recommended that you make this information public to employers.


Alumni wanting to create a Handshake account must visit Join Handshake, click on the link “Sign up for an Account” in the lower left corner, and follow the onscreen instructions. Once your alumni status is confirmed your request will be approved and you will have access to Handshake.

Disclaimer: While the CCPD attempts to vet opportunities that are posted in Handshake, we cannot guarantee the legitimacy or quality of any given opportunity. It is our recommendation, with Handshake and with any other source of postings, that you carefully and critically investigate any opportunity of interest. Also, please let us know if you come across any opportunity or employer that is or seems to be posting fraudulent or inappropriate opportunities.

Handshake is the leading career platform used at 700+ schools by more 300K employers. Receive personal recommendations based on your interests, skills, major, location preferences, and search history. With representation from 100% of the Fortune 500, discover and favorite jobs at top financial institutions, cutting-edge tech companies, leading design and marketing agencies, and nonprofits saving the world. Login today to complete your profile and put your best self forward to employers. And, be sure to download Handshake Mobile to discover jobs on the go and to stay on track with reminders for application deadlines and direct messages from employers. Finding a job and building a career can be daunting, but Handshake is here to help find a job, build a meaningful career and meet your potential.