Google-searching “career assessments” will net you a wide variety of options; some free, some fee-based. Here at the CCPD we recommend four options available to current students and alumni, free of charge.
Remember, a test can’t tell you what job you should have, but it can provide ideas as you begin your search for your dream job.
Richard Nelson Bolles, Carol Christen – “What Color Is Your Parachute?”
FOCUS 2 Career Assessment
FOCUS 2 is an online, self-guided system that will help you to identify a major at this college and occupations that best suit you and develop a career and education plan. Log in with your KNET ID and password to the FOCUS 2 Dashboard to explore options.
How much time does it take to use FOCUS? Typically, the total time spent by students the first time they use the program ranges from 1 to 2 hours. Working through the program does not have to be done in one sitting. You can log back in at any time. Consider going over your results with a career coach.
Strengths Assessment
Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
“When students not only know their strengths — but more importantly, apply them — the effect on their lives is transformational,”
From CliftonStrengths for Students.
The CliftonStrengths for Students assessment helps people uncover their talents and build upon them. If you are interested in more information about this assessment, please schedule an appointment with a Career Coach.
There is a limited pool of funding available each year for faculty to provide StrengthsFinder codes to students in their classes, on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested in this option, please reach out to
Values Self-Assessment
To clarify the values most critical to your personal/professional fulfillment, this Work Values Self-Assessment describes a wide variety of satisfactions that people obtain from work. Look at the values and their definitions and rate the degree of importance that you would give each, and then you may self-calculate the results. You also can try this online Values Card Sort which will walk you through a process of identify your top values. If you want to talk with a Career Coach about your results, please schedule an appointment through Handshake.
Interests Assessment
Have you been trying to decide how to incorporate your major or liberal arts interests into a possible post-graduation job? Have you been trying to determine how to include your many different interests into your major or career? The CCPD recommends the O*NET Interest Profiler—a career assessment that helps you find out how your interests relate to the world of work. The O*NET Interest Profiler is free and accessible to the public, and Career Coaches enjoy talking with students about their results.