CCPD Human: Alex Alaniz
Meet Bella, the bundle of joy that’s all about good vibes and wagging tails! This little dynamo is the queen of play, rocking it with her partner-in-crime, Milo, especially when there’s fresh snow on the ground – cue the zoomies! Treats are Bella’s love language; just crinkle a bag, and you’ve got her undivided attention. But she’s not all about snacks; this furball is a pro at cuddles (when she wants to), turning any moment into a cozy love fest. With Bella around, every day is a laid-back party filled with laughter, warmth, and that pure doggie happiness that’ll make your heart do a happy dance. 🐾✨

CCPD Human: Alex Alaniz
Milo is a lively Shih Tzu who loves playing with his sister, Bella, and snuggling up whenever he can. He enjoys running around, stealing treats from Bella now and then, and going on long walks to explore. Despite his playful nature, Milo is always loving and loyal to his family, bringing them lots of happiness every day.

CCPD Human: Keri Bol
Meet Lucielle Bol! She became part of our family in 2020. She loves the outdoors and can often be found chasing leaves, squirrels, and birds. She loves to play fetch and thinks baseballs are her toys as well. She is a people person and will often crowd your space just for some pets. Lucy will give high fives and fist bumps for treats. Her favorites are peanut butter pretzels and peppers. She loves selfies and can be found in many with her family members. Lucy has taken over the house and has spots where she naps, but she prefers to be with her family and often cuddles next to them. Be careful what you say around her; if you mention the words walk or car in her presence, she will go nuts, expecting a ride with the window down or a walk around the block. She will not stop till you deliver on the promise of those words. Lucy is a happy loving dog that will take all the pets and treats she can get.

CCPD Human: Richard Sylvester
Meet Cleo, now all grown up Cleo was once known as the most adorable kitten in the world. Don’t let her picture fool you, while she does enjoy napping in a warm sun spot, she is very energetic. Her hobbies include doing zoomies and chasing the ever-elusive red dot, toy mice and birds, and relaxing in her cat tower. Cleo is a very friendly cat and enjoys introducing herself on zoom calls and greeting the various delivery drivers who come by her house. She can occasionally be seen traveling around in a backpack carrier and if you ever see her don’t hesitate to say hello!

CCPD Human: Valerie Miller
Ray, short for “Ray of Sunshine,” as named by his Cat Dad (when his cat dad was 8) rules the house. Apart from his daily duty guarding the home from birds and squirrels from his perch in the window (or on the porch in good weather), he keeps a tight schedule of snacking, napping, cuddling, and getting petted. His top five strengths are: apathy, lethargy, purring, porch, and hamper.

Ellie Belly
CCPD Human: Rachel Wood
Ellie, named after Eleanor Roosevelt, is a human meme. Her mom doesn’t have any resident animals, but she makes up for it with random noises and snuggles. You can find her spinning around on a playground, singing Frosty the Snowman at full-volume in July, begging to watch “just one more” episode of Bluey, or asking you for yet another snack. Her older brother Carter (yes, after Jimmy Carter) is too cool for this page, but she’s obvoiusly fine getting all of the attention.