Handshake: Our Job/Internship Database
Use Handshake to search for internships, full-time, and part-time jobs on and off campus.
- In mid-August you will receive an invitation (via your K email) to join Handshake and complete your profile. Note: campus employers often don’t start posting on-campus jobs before this point.
- When you get your invitation, activate and update your profile follow these easy steps:
- Visit the Join Handshake website and click on the blue button that says “Kalamazoo College Sign On.”
- Use your KNet Username and current password to sign in. Follow the prompts to activate your profile. Once your account has been set up, you can:
- Use the “Jobs” tab to search for on- and off-campus employment.
- Use the “Internships” tab to filter your search for an internship by location, employer, major, and other fields.
- Click on the “Events” tab to view career-related events such as workshops or employer visits.
- Important Note: If you are looking for an internship or professional position and your current term GPA is above 3.0, it is recommended that you make this information public to employers.
- Many campus jobs are already posted in Handshake. You’ll be able to apply directly to specific jobs AND/OR employers may reach out to you because of skills you include in your profile.
- Some campus employer application instructions may include the submission of a resume.